Music & Bands
For other in character portraits have a look at my Theatrical, but also see my Portraits gallery.
If you like these pictures you may also like my Events gallery and Books section.
If you like these pictures you may also like my Events gallery and Books section.

Noah/Noye from Benjamin Britten's Noye's Fludde

Peter Howarth & Michael Armstrong

Faryl Smith with the International Harp Ensemble

Faryl Smith with the International Harp Ensemble

Roman Marek as Frank Sinatra and Jim Whitley as Sammy Davis Jr.

Rat Pack Musicians

Jim Whitley as Sammy Davis Jr. and Roman Marek as Frank Sinatra

Roman Marek as Frank Sinatra with Vegas Showgirls

Peter Howarth


Abigail Burrows

Killer Queen

Phil Brown Swingtet






Land of Hope and Glory

The Oilrigs

In a dark corner of London

International Harp Ensemble

The Instructor

Miss Dolores & Friends

Jim Whitley as Sammy Davis Jr.

Roman Marek as Frank Sinatra, Wayne Kennedy as Dean Martin with Vegas Showgirls

Bryn Haworth in concert

Zowie Bowie

Nieve Malandra

Lettice Rowbotham

Faryl Smith with the International Harp Ensemble

Vegas Showgirl

Wayne Kennedy as Dean Martin

Roman Marek as Frank Sinatra

Vegas Showgirl

Vegas Showgirls

Vegas Showgirl and Wayne Kennedy as Dean Martin

Michael Armstrong

Peter Howarth & Michael Armstrong

Michael Armstrong


Serguei Pachine

Killer Queen

Killer Queen

Killer Queen

Killer Queen

Killer Queen

Phil Brown




Kool & The Gang

Kool & The Gang

Kool & The Gang

Kool & The Gang

Jon, the "B" in BLArST

Chris, the "L" in BLArST

Alison, an "A" in BLArST

John, an "A" in BLArST

Richard, the "r" in BLArST

Meghan, the original "S" in BLArST